So Miss Baseball has neglected to write anything about baseball, tha

t seems a bit like false advertising doesn't it. Baseball's opening day is 2 weeks away. It looks like there will be a Sunday night game, but REAL opening day is the 1st Monday of April, and the 1st game is always in Cincinnati , this date should be a holiday, but alas it isn't nationally, in Cincinnati it is I don't know if it's an official holiday or just one that has endured. I was driving through Cincy on opening day back in '95 and everyone was celebrating the opening of baseball season. Providentially I was in Boston, for the 1st home game of the season for the Red Sox the game was about to start but since we only had 1 day in Boston we went site seeing, though it was fun just being around Fenway on opening day.
I had wanted to put a countdown to Opening Day on this blog but alas MLB wouldn't let me borrow it. Don't they realize the free advertising I could be giving them?? It doesn't seem that Borders or Scholastic minds me advertising the next Harry Potter book. Sigh. MLB has their head up their you know whats about so many things. I can't wait until they get a new commisioner that has vision, Mr. Selig sure doesn't.
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