Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Lesson 26 Reflect on your Learning 2.0 Experiences

It's been great to see what every one's blog looks like, seeing if someone will be your 'friend' on myspace.

There are a few lessons I'd like to go back and either re-do or look more into.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
I always want to learn, and to keep learning so it has been a great asset.

What were your favorite Learning 2.0 discoveries or exercises?
I really like blogging and my space, I've had a lot of fun doing that. I've actually had this blog for nearly 4 years and I had never posted anything until Learning 2.0, now you can't stop me, I'm a posting fool!!

Did anything surprise you?
The biggest thing that surprised me about the Learning 2.0 is that it has been a team building exercise. People sharing what they've found,and talking about what they've found. More than once I've heard "HEY look at this!!" (and for once it wasn't something gross in the book bin). The best part of all that being everyone helping each other! As Library employees we are used to helping people, but when we get a chance to help each other it is special. It helps us to grow and know and respect each other a bit more.

I guess the other thing that surprised me was when I would read someones blog and they were B***ching about Learning 2.0, sheesh no one was making them do it!! But I'm always surprised when people complain about opportunities they are given.

Was there enough help available when you needed it?
Yes, as I said we all helped each other and if I had questions I e mailed Learning 2.0.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
I think it all worked well. Keeping us up to date is a good, there was little on here that I had done before, so that's good.

The speakers were good, but maybe a more interactive program would have been nice.

Would you like to see similar training opportunities as new library-relevant technologies emerge?
YES, emphatically.

And, last one, if you could go back in time and tell yourself to either participate in the program or skip it, what would you do?
I would do it. I don't like to be left out or behind of anything!!

Lesson 27 Suggest one more Web 2.0 topic you would like to learn

I found Google Alerts to be interesting and of possible use to patrons, but I found that along the way, but maybe there is more too it than what I made of it.

So what would I learn if I could learn something else that would help me and KCLS patrons? Boy oh boy that is a good question.

Gaming, I just realized that all the new X-boxes, Wiis, PSPs connect to the Internet now and can be social. I still play Gameboy, by myself, I've never hooked the cord up to another Gameboy person. What about the computer online games like World of Warcraft? I know KCLS has gaming in some of the branches. I wonder if patrons will come in seeking online games, and are there ones that will help children in school, help older patrons keep their minds sharp?

1 comment:

Yorick said...

Hey, that's great that you've gotten into the posting blog entries!! You Go!!

Sort of off topic,
In an act of shameless self-promotion, I'd like to ask you to go to http://www.technorati.com/wtf/kitsch/2007/05/22/kitsch-n-postmodern-kitsch-is-bad-taste-masqueradi-1

and vote for my Where's The Fire (WTF) entry